New York vs. Italy: Let the Bitcoin Regulatory Battle Begin

Originally published in the Bitcoin BullBear Weekly Report released on 2/4/2015.  Partial excerpt only. Written by @AKWAnalytics. What an interesting day in the bitcoin space! In the middle of the day the price began to spike on news that the revised BitLicense had been released, only to be smacked back down an hour later on news that Ross Ulbricht had been found guilty on all seven charges he faced, four of which carry potential life sentences. No doubt the powers that be are trying to send a message, but will they succeed? Despite all of the to-do about the BitLicense and Silk …

awyattNew York vs. Italy: Let the Bitcoin Regulatory Battle Begin

Bitcoin Prediction February 5, 2015: Big Wave Coming!?

Short Term Bitcoin Prediction Again, we see very constricted Bollinger Bands in the hourly chart. This means that we will probably see a big wave coming in bitcoin trading. According to our bitcoin prediction analysis, this should happen in the next maximum 12-24 hours. [edit: Bang. The Big Wave has just started. 212 $ and falling. -13 $ in a matter of minutes] Bitcoin Chart from February 5, 2015 Bitcoin UP or DOWN? Of course, the good question is in which direction the big wave will roll. And we answer this question constantly to our premium subscribers: We give detailed probabilities on …

David BastBitcoin Prediction February 5, 2015: Big Wave Coming!?

Bitcoin Forecast February 1, 2015: BreakDown Happened

Short Term Bitcoin Forecast Update This is to update on our bitcoin forecast from yesterday: Yesterday, we stated: “Combined with our latest bitcoin forecast that we issued yesterday to premium members, we can now say with 65% confidence: We will see a bitcoin price breakout or breakdown in the next hours. Most probably, we will see at least a 10 $ move up or down.” Bitcoin Chart from January 31, 2015   Bitcoin Chart from February 1, 2015 And below we can see what happened. In fact, just a few hours later, bitcoin prices dropped like a stone: From, 232 $ down …

David BastBitcoin Forecast February 1, 2015: BreakDown Happened

Bitcoin Forecast January 31, 2015: Breakout or -Down In The Next Hours

Short Term Bitcoin Forecast Alert We are at the end of our FREE WEEK. Over the past week, we have been issuing frequent free forecasts for various cryptocurrencies: The bitcoin forecast, monero forecast, litecoin forecast, ripple forecast, stellar forecast and Nxt forecast. Today, we provide a little snapshot of our typical premium coverage. In the very short term timeframe, the one hour chart, we can clearly see the Bollinger Bands shrinking to extreme lows. Combined with our latest bitcoin forecast that we issued yesterday to premium members, we can now say with 65% confidence: We will see a bitcoin price breakout or breakdown …

David BastBitcoin Forecast January 31, 2015: Breakout or -Down In The Next Hours

Bitcoin Forecast Review: It Was A Ride!

How The Bitcoin Forecast Was Nailed in 2013 It is Saturday and cold outside. I have been sitting on the couch for a while. Then, I started to look through some of the bitcoin forecast history.  Then, I stumbled over the volatile 2013 period. Finally, I decided to share some of this history with you. You will see in the following an interesting string of charts. This shows that technical analysis can avoid the confusing emotions during big rallies and declines. (Apologies for the various different chart layouts. But at that time, bitcoin charting was quite tedious. Often, charts had to …

David BastBitcoin Forecast Review: It Was A Ride!

Bear Markets are Difficult, Especially for Bitcoin

Originally published in the BullBear Analytics Weekly Report released on 1/28/2014.  Partial excerpt only. Written by @AKWAnalytics. As much as many readers will be displeased to hear that there is still substanial near term risk to the downside, take solace in the notion that there appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel, just now barely peeking through the darkness. Patience. Bear markets are tough, especially ones that are not subject to the whims of central bankers, yet are subject to the full range of human emotions and our good ole friend ‘supply and demand’. A commodity market …

awyattBear Markets are Difficult, Especially for Bitcoin

The Looming “Hard Fork Missile Crisis”

Originally published in the BullBear Analytics Weekly Report released on 1/21/2014.  Partial excerpt only. Written by @AKWAnalytics. We will leave the price talk to the analytical sections below because this week we want to discuss a pressing and existentially important issue facing bitcoin at the present time.  Few are aware of this potential crisis, which is why we are highlighting it here. First, let us start by saying that this is in no way meant to induce panic, or any other emotion for that matter.  We simply want to inform our readers.  So what’s going on? What is now being referred …

awyattThe Looming “Hard Fork Missile Crisis”

2015 Bitcoin Predictions

Originally published in the BullBear Analytics Weekly Report released on 1/2/2015.  Partial excerpt only. Written by @AKWAnalytics. Bitcoin 2014 was a year of beneath the surface progress that had little impact on people’s willingness to buy and/or hold bitcoins. Additionally, we saw a large influx of new merchants accepting and coverting bitcoin, and miners being able to ubiquitously use ASIC’s for the first time in bitcoin’s histoy. The relatively stable demand picture combined with the increasing in supply created a glut in 2014 that put pressure on prices throughout the year. While we do not expect much more downside in price …

awyatt2015 Bitcoin Predictions

Bitcoin Price Craters as 2014 Comes to an End (Finally)

Originally published in the BullBear Analytics Weekly Report released on 12/18/2014.  Partial excerpt only. Written by @AKWAnalytics. Bitcoin has had one of its roughest weeks in quite some time as global macro events have finally bled into the price action.  While catching falling knives is not what we specialize in, we do think at least a short term respite is coming as the new year approaches. There is no doubt that bitcoin is currently in the doldrums of international financial instruments, espcecially if you were to judge progress solely by the barrage of negative press coverage this week.  We have seen …

awyattBitcoin Price Craters as 2014 Comes to an End (Finally)

Bitcoin Price Flatlines Ahead of Silk Road Auction

Originally published in the BullBear Analytics Weekly Report released on 12/3/2014.  Partial excerpt only. Written by @AKWAnalytics. As we all know by now, the USMS will be auctioning off another 50,000 bitcoins that were acqured by the US government in the Silk Road bust last year. While the initial announcement spooked the market momentarily, it seems that traders are taking a “wait and see” approach.  In our opinion, the growth in the maturity of the bitcoin market is impressive and is exemplified by the muted reaction leading up to what would seem to be a seminal event (auction). This apparent evolution …

awyattBitcoin Price Flatlines Ahead of Silk Road Auction